Wednesday, March 25, 2009

child hood memories brought to life

i have been searching for pics and news about this film since i heard that is was being filmed. i have read this book over 500 times (and i am not exaggerating i read it once a day for about year when i was 7). i always wanted to know how other saw this relatively short story and now i can share it with other people. i don't care if it is not exactly as i pictured it growing up but it will be nice to have a shared experience like this.

and hearing Arcade Fires "wake up" over this trailer was beyond perfect. i felt that chill i got as a young boy again imagining what my fear and adventure would be come to life.

finally to have spike jonze direct it makes me happy inside he has doen work for beastie boys, daft punk, weezer, and many other bands that shaped the Bryan you know today.

i could say 1000 things about this movie but i will let the preview do it for me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

i am

Sometimes it takes a moment as simple as riding down the road on the bike and feeling the wind on your face to make you realize you are actually happy. I have been pretty happy lately and have less worries.

I have accepted all things i can't change including how people feel about me.

i have decided to change the things i can like how much time i spend reading.

i was returning from a trip to the gas station and traveling at full speed down the road and suddenly felt the wind and the rest of my senses dulled and i was just enjoying the moment. the world went slow motion and i just felt completely happy.

Friday, March 13, 2009

its been a weird week

so far this week I have

1. forgotten my wallet at home twice
2. lost and found my USB drive
3. worn my underwear inside out a whole day without noticing
4. had a DSC Camera package in my car for 36 hours without even realizing it was in there.
5. walked into a heated argument at work and had to stand there dumbfounded the whole time so i could get the teachers signature

and along side all of this Rachael Visit.

Rachael's visit was a strange one. she talked more about us ntot ending up together than us ending up together and me being a believer in "Self Fulfilling Prophecies" that makes me worry.

it did on the other hand require me to face the idea that me and Rachael could end up not together and subsequently become ok with the idea. i don't like the idea but sometimes there is nothing you can do and all i can do is be like Bryan used to be.

Living my life and letting things fall the way they do. so if I seem a bit different I apologize (sorta) but facing that idea made me realize that I can do no more.

as far as the otehr things this week I feel a week off for spring break will do me some good. i get to go to vegas for a night to visit old friends and then i get to go help the Mickelsons begin the remodel of the restaurant, and hopefully I can get a hair cut from my favorite stylist Becky back here in st. george.

tonight i am off to run audio for an orchestra for the CEC television station. this is something i have never done audio for so wish me luck.

Monday, March 9, 2009

My pal Becky

my pal Beckster just got a job at Super Cuts in St. George Utah




(435) 688-8080

Bravo Youn lady Bravo

this ones for you

Monday, March 2, 2009

mystery science theater continues

so you can get "Rifftracks" of new movies at: rifftrax

rifftracks are the audio track that you can play along with movies and watch newer movies mystery science theater 3000 style.

here are two examples



so for like 3 bucks you can get these for the whole movie. it makes me oh so happy.