Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a fun new way to blog

i am going to play a song and just right to the song

try and guess the song

here we go.

what if everything is alright and that is the problem. i get nervous in comfortable situations.

this discussion has to start some where tradition says so.

things i hate

driving, the insides of cars,
talking to old lost friends,
being next in line
walking alone with out headphones

I'm finished with staring people in the eye just to make them feel better.

by the way i feel just fine

everything is ok

things i do when i am nervouse

bight my fingers,
checking the light switches
scratching my palms
doing math problems in my head that give me head aches

things i used to rely on

psychologist and trusted people to tell me who i am.

i have been known to still do that from time to time

some day I'll still be fine the future seems easier

and everything is still ok

sometimes i need a reason to finish a conversation so i make one up,
but lets not get carried away with this process.

i really am just fine

other than i can't sleep.

night night folks see you again soon this is when the guitar fades out.

despite this message my life is pretty great.

i got a person to love and who loves me.
a job i like
somethings to look forward to; Chicago graduation Christmas (not necessarily in that order).
and a good connection with my family.

my new favorite picture of myself


Beckysue.sweet said...

I don't know what song... but the song I had in my head was MOtion City Soundtrack... The song.. Tell me that your all right... everything is alright....

rachael said...

yeah i dont know what the song is... perhaps some early november..