1. lack of contact with Rachael. She is in Europe with Becky and Tess and with limited communicability. I read her blogs and her Google reader sharings but other than that no contact. i have emailed her a few time just saying hello but have got no hello in return i figure her blogs and shares a a hello but I still miss her, more than i thought I would.
2. My nightly bad dreams everything from wrecking my car, to losing a lot of money, to Rachael deciding to leave me, and many more. my nightmares are pretty common place but they usually are left in my slumber but lately i have started waking up quite abruptly from these an are unable to stop thinking about them til my alarm goes off.
3. Work is always stressful when it comes to the 15th time of the month it is payroll time and everyone seems to wait til the last moment to get me stuff than expect me to get it done before 5 pm on the 15th. ugg they have all month to get this stuff done why wait til now.
Make me happy
1. Animaniacs. this is a show i watched growing up they had fun songs that taught me stuff like the country names
the state capitals
and The presidents names
this is a good memory that has made me smile lately
1.Puppy flowers
2. NPR news and podcasts
3. getting paid to do what i like. i have been shooting football games and other events with a camera and or being the audio engineer for these things. and i get about 75-100 dollars for each shoot so i like this work alot i hope my career is filled with this kind of stuff it makes me excited for my career.
4. Added is a great website Ralph Wiggum for president
I found this site while finding the date for the Simpsons season 11 dvd which came out and my cousin bought but i was asked to wait on buying which i am.
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