Monday, July 30, 2007

i just moved int o a house with my friend jon and with any move comes memories stuffed into boxes.

my latest treasure was a book of stories and poems i titled:

Making love to the window sill

i called it this because i spent so many hours riding the tracks just staring out the windows leaning against the window sill watching the world as i past it by.

[i am always scared to put up writings from the past because they reflect who i was back then and i don't always like who i was so whomever shall read this remember that we all have pasts and futures and if we met ourselves from the future or the past

we would probably kick our own ass for being so strange.

enough with the explaining

one of my favorites is

"6 Inches of Ego"

She never cums when we fuck
'i can only do it when i masturbate'
she tells me

not surprisingly this does not
give me the self esteem to
get it up one more time.

i need a girl to scream
at my touch.
not every time
Just often enough to remind
me that my dick has a

i need a reason to get
that erection
my own orgasm just isn't
enough anymore.
that 6 inch extension of
my ego shrinks
as fast as my
when challenged with
such repeated failures.


i love finding memories like this no matter how detrimental to my self esteem it may seem it all makes me smile.

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