Thursday, May 14, 2009

my new job

so i have been workin at KCSG for just over two weeks and they have finally let me start doing stuff on my own.

I have done a lot of video for weather, sports and other news stories so i decided to put some up to prove that i really do work.

here is a video that I took for a protest of a road closure now the one hear you will have to forgive the weird audio on the reporter outside the BLM that is a live shot and i had nothing to do with but the audio being sent via satellite was just awful.

"the video is here"

kinda cool is that the video and interviews i shot was requested by KSL. KSL is a larger television station in northern utah. so my work was on two stations the audio on this one is much better.

Video Courtesy of

I have been doing lots of video and today i will probably going up to Cedar City to meet and interview Mark Eaton. an ex Utah Jazz basketball player. woot. I can ad another to the tally of famous people i have met.

He is over 7'4" so i might come up to his waist. this should be interesting i will have to stand on a table to meet him.

1 comment:

~kitticus~ said...

just make sure you don't dance on the table. that's how my judge broke his ankle. ;)