It was a usual weekend in Nephi except nothing was usual.
it was Michael, Rachael's brother, and his fiance's wedding so everything had to be perfect. EVERYTHING we spent at least 4 hours hanging drapes yep i said hanging drapes and we could still find imperfections.

i got bored half way through and took pictures of my feet.

Rachael got bored too and took pictures of me testing out my new camera

in return i took a picture or 2 of her making a very typical Rachael face:

in the end the wedding seemed to go ok. everyone seemed to relax shortly afterward and the feeling was nice.
It was a short visit I left on Sunday but before i left Rachael performed an I-health treatment on me i found out i was an Earth which probably means nothing to most folks but means a lot to her and her family. i will learn more about it too.
me and her dad talked about stuff that happened in the past with me and for the first time in a long time i had memories about it.
from here on out it gets reaallly honest so be prepared.
i was lying in bed after my session and i had very distinct memories about the past incidents not just memories but i remembered things like how we (me and the girl when i was young i won't go into details about this) got into the sexual part of the friendship/babysitership side of the relationship. word for word detail. i even remembered how everything felt. i was a little embarrassed because it felt arousing and kind of exciting, but nothing gross just mentally i felt similar things that i was feeling at the original time. it felt good to think about this it made the incident more real, not just a story i tell people to help explain my obsessions. i remembered how she felt how i felt it was a very real experience but it felt good to experience it again. i don't know how to explain it but i feel just a little bit better about the whole experience knowing that i have some control over it even if that control is just the ability to remember it.
i don't expect anyone to understand just know that i feel ok about remembering it. enough of the serious stuff i had a very fun trip up north. me and Rachael had a good chuckle at one of her cousins referring to herself as a
"fluffer" on a photo shoot she meant dress fluffer though. hehe
i also got to meet her old kinda friend blaine and i say her actual friend Linlee (i apologize but i have never spelled that name before).
all in all a good weekend in the little town of Nephi