just in case you don't know when i obsess about something i go overboard. i spent all this morning doing math equations to figure out all th money i will be making and spending in the next year. running multiple scenarios of how i will be living and who i will have t owe and which car i will by and weather or not to sell my motorcycle, uggghhh i need a distraction desperately.
so i am catching you up.
lately my hair has been getting VERy long and have been thinking about making it into a afro but i might not do it.
Rachael has this Tone to her voice when i am doing something stupid but she doesn't want to ask me not to do it, and she always responds to any comment about any said possible neive act on my part with a "Well, let me know how that turns out" i know she would never say Bryan i think you are gonna look stupid because she is scared of how i might react but i can tell under her breath is a "That is not a good idea."
so i probably just keep the "shaggy" look as my boss calls it for now.
A quick pic of my hair flowing in the wind.
i spent both thanksgiving and "thanksmis" with Rachael which made me smile a lot. even though every time i drive Rachael's car up north it is always the worst weather ever. we survived yet another SNOWY trip with me at the wheel calm on my face but crying in fear on the inside. i know i am a good driver but good drivers crash too. i am glad my driving helps relax Rachael and i hope she is blissfully unaware of my inner state. (although saying this in this blog gives away my superman like exterior, sorry Rachael)
While i was up in Nephi Rachael's father build a snowman who felt the need to stretch his back so i built him a doggy to talk to while he was leaning over.

Rachael has already finished her Christmas shopping if you look closely you can see my gifts hidden under a towel in her closet. Don't worry i didn't peek i like to be surprised.
i only have one more gift to buy of hers along with my mom and dad's gift.
and of course to close it out one of Rachael's famously patented close up self pics.
I love you Rachael!
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