let me catch you up.
i have made two very successful trips to NEphi to see my love Rachael. i am becoming much more comfortable on the highway with my Harley. i have even begun passing cars and semis instead of just being passed. I actually love the trips up there cause at the end of the long drive I get to hug Rachael, but the rides back have a less exciting ending they usually involve coming home and taking a nap.
my life right now is pretty boring i work eat and play on the computi
i have begun to play World of Warcraft again it is a great way to pass the time.
on my latest trip up north me and Rachael visited My folks and we all went and watched Pirates O the Caribbean "RRRRRRRR"
A little something for everyone: Johnny for the girls and gay men and that girl (whatever her name is) for the straight men and even that old rocker who will never die (not pictured).
Where it not for my pounding migraine this movie would have rocked but it still kinda did non the less.
i have been sick for the last few days it was at it's worst for the last two days i was sent home today because i made a mess of the ladies room at work. vomiting always sucks but you feel so much better afterwards. i have been drinking so much water i think i am gonna drown myself but that is the only advice i get is "drink plenty of water"
well what the hell is plenty?!
when ever i type out a journal like this i feel like doogie howser from Television
Bye for now lovelies.
Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
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