Thursday, May 31, 2007

wow it has been way too long since i have done this.

let me catch you up.

i have made two very successful trips to NEphi to see my love Rachael. i am becoming much more comfortable on the highway with my Harley. i have even begun passing cars and semis instead of just being passed. I actually love the trips up there cause at the end of the long drive I get to hug Rachael, but the rides back have a less exciting ending they usually involve coming home and taking a nap.

my life right now is pretty boring i work eat and play on the computi

i have begun to play World of Warcraft again it is a great way to pass the time.

on my latest trip up north me and Rachael visited My folks and we all went and watched Pirates O the Caribbean "RRRRRRRR"

A little something for everyone: Johnny for the girls and gay men and that girl (whatever her name is) for the straight men and even that old rocker who will never die (not pictured).

Where it not for my pounding migraine this movie would have rocked but it still kinda did non the less.

i have been sick for the last few days it was at it's worst for the last two days i was sent home today because i made a mess of the ladies room at work. vomiting always sucks but you feel so much better afterwards. i have been drinking so much water i think i am gonna drown myself but that is the only advice i get is "drink plenty of water"

well what the hell is plenty?!

when ever i type out a journal like this i feel like doogie howser from Television

Bye for now lovelies.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Factotum: a man who never had a job he liked and never kept the ones he had.

tonight is one of those nights that i would love for Rachael to be here.

i am sitting alone in my room john is out with some of his friends and rachael is miles away.

my computers "power supply" has broken so i am on my backup computer.

ok enough with the self loathing.

i got to watch the movie
it made me smile and laugh alot of the times it was running.

it is not a movie for everyone maybe just for those of us who understand and enjoy the humor of Mr. Charles Bukowski, and are willing to laugh at lifes disgucsting moments and enjoy those uncomfortable silences most pear are phobic of.

i also got Goonies i have yet to watch it but i know it will make me smile like it always has.

i went to buy a power supply for my computer so i could burn the flicks and send them back but i could only find em at best buy and the cheapest was $54.00 and the one i got at new egg only cost $38.00 but hey maybe that is why i am sitting here complaining about it being broken.

nothing left to say but i need to get some stamps which are now 41 cents damn you postal service!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

wow last night my roomates and the next apartment had a loud music and BASS contest

i was very annoying.

it was the first time i was happy that Rachael was in Nephi and not here cause i wouldn't want her to have to deal with that. i was trying to watch scrubs and all I could hear was yelling and bass from all around.

i miss Rachael so much i want a hug today more than i have wanted one in a very long time.

my right handle on my motorcycle is loose. nothing wrong with it it is just another reason more me to be nervous for my first long trip on my bike. on a good note today was the first time i was hoping to enjoy the scenery on the ride rather than worrying about the wind and the canyons.

i will make it I know i will be fine but being nervous is what i am good at it keeps me sain.

despite all of my nerves i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to see Rachael on Tuesday. I smile every time i think about hugging her and picking her off the ground.

this is what will keep me moving despite my nerves.

i love you Rachael.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

ok so here goes the real first one.

I finished my last final today and after work tomorrow my long week will be winding down.
Now I normally don't start my weeks on a Sunday (ask anyone I know I consider it to be against god) I like to start my weeks on Saturday; you know, get a jump start on those republicans and there crazy sceams to bring the apocalypse.

This week I began my week on Sunday since my girlfriend headed up north to Nephi, Utah. Now I am not ashamed to admit I cried but nearly ashamed to admit I cried at work. I am a barista and that is Italian more manly maker of manly drinks (not quite sure if that is the literal translation but Mary Ann is supposed to check those things and I fired her for getting a desk calendar that started each week with Sunday). Mary you will be missed but we have to move on.

Just like I am moving on with my week which ends tomorrow after work. And this scares me immensely I mean more than the Cookie cutter shark (which we will get to later). Why does it scare this robust coffee make? Because I have been so involved in work and school that I have yet to notice how alone I am. Yep no longer will my time be filled with medial tasks and I will probably feel the string of the long distance relationship (not unlike the sting of a cookie cutter shark bite which I will get to later).

Alright enough with the sadnessium (is that a word, mary please look that up oh wait she was fired alright jimmy just add that to the dictionary with a black pen no one will notice). Onto the obsured. How much are your pants worth to you. Sixty seven million dollars, yah me too. (I don’t know if you can see my pants but they are covered with black diamonds from waist to ankle.) Sounds like a reasonable price right? Well a judge in Washington D. C. aggress with us.

Judge Roy L Pearson Jr. is suing a dry cleaners in Washington DC for the loss of his pants back in 2005. you see these are the kinds of judges we need the kind with the cajones to take the law and twist it to there needs. None of this follow the book kinda thing. This man’s pants must have been worth 67 million dollars the amount of fabric it would take to cover his brass balls has got to cost at least 60 million. Add in the legs and waist and wow. I have to commend this hero for not asking for more money.

I commend you judge Pearson for finally bringing this kind of indecency to the public’s eyes. Can we get this man a metal or maybe one of those nobel paeace prize thingys they hand those out like cereal box prizes right. Give him one in the field of stickin it to the MAN!! For striking fear in the hearts of all poor business owners.

For too long have they sat on they ivory towers of industry while the little guy “Big Industry” suffered shotty workmanship and the loss of diamond covered brass cajones covering pants.

Oh yah and that whole cookie cutter shark thing: just a fish that sucks on to its prey and tears a part of them away with it's teethe. Not killing them just leaving there scar of flesh taken. Not unlike that which was taken from that hero judge Pearson.

But on a serious note

I love you Rachael

I miss tickling you back

Squashing you while I sleep and waking up next to you.

I miss your soft kiss

Your kissable tummy

And everything about you.

You are right you didn’t leave me you just left st. george.

I love you.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

try this shite out

i hope this works so it can be another source fom me and my girlfriend rachael to comunicate.