If and when I leave Utah for good yesterday will one of the days I will think of when I reminisce about my time in the LDS State.
Good lunch with Good company, wonderful utah only weather, communicating with old friends and a relaxing end to the day in a hot tub people watching.
I don't know if I told a lot of people but Rachael and I's relationship have transitioned into friendship, but if I haven't here is your update (read above). Today Rachael and I met for a lunch and to give each other a few things we still had of the others. I arrived early as I always do and when I pulled up I parked near her car. She was even earlier than me. suddenly I got a huge lump in my throat and instantly my midn began rushing through all the negative things that could happen and the wheel of misfortune came to rest on the idea that she might have found a new boy and she brought him to this lunch. Now anyone who knows Rachael knows she wouldn't do something like this, but at the same time anyone who knows me knows that I rush to the most negative of circumstances and fixate on how this is going to go.
This did help me come to the realization that no matter how OK I am with the break-up I will still fill a little remorse once she moves on, which inevitably she will. I have no delusions about this. I think this is a normal reaction. It is difficult to think that there is someone who will be better for someone you care so much about. When it comes to that moment I know we will both handle it with maturity and care for each other. It will just show how much we can care about each other's feelings still. So I hope Rachael find someone that will make her happy forever, and the same for me, I just hope that we will be honest with each other and remain a part of each other's lives.
(funny note I have never even thought about me moving on and if that will effect her I guess that is a little selfish, but I really just have not even began to think about any future relationships)
This is the first shitty thing I have notice about being single is that I now seem to notice how girls react to me in public again. That is a nice thing about a relationship is that you always know that people you might be attracted to opinions don't mean squat compared to the person you are relationing.
After I went through all the worst case scenarios I noticed Rachael's old and her sister's new car next to hers and figured she came early to go shopping with her sister and we would all go to lunch, and that is a very much more Rachael thing to do. I can't count the number of meals I ate with Rachael and her sisters/brother.
I was smiling really big on the drive home from lunch partially because of the delicious meal form The old spaghetti factory, partially from how good the meal went, and a large part of this was the beautiful weather Utah had this day.
It is April and my front lawn still has snow waiting to melt on it. Lately Utah's weather has been horrible. Tooele received over a foot and a half of snow in the past 4 days and has been below freezing for most of the last week. yesterday it was warm sunny and blue skies.
This beautiful weather along with the white and black mountain backdrop made for some breath taking scenery.
The scenery was complimented perfectly by reconnecting with some friends from St. George. Take a day or two to not rely on social networks to update you on old friends and let them tell you in voice how they are doing. these conversations can be soo refreshing.
Finally my day ending with me soaking in a hot tub relaxing tension out of muscles. I had just finished my first ever attempt at a Breast stroke and butterfly swimming technique. An attempt so comical that if Gold's Gym's security cams for that hour ever got out it would be an instant viral video and I would be forever known as the "Pool Seizure Guy."
The heat form the hot tub was the perfect thing to release not only the tension from the hour long convulsion fit I had just performed in the pool, but also for everything else that was melting away (mentally and physically).
So thank you to all those who contributed to yesterdays fine memories. I need to go back to the fetal position as my stomach is currently spasming from the first time use of the muscle required to swim the way I would have liked to yesterday.