this is Rachael's pop Mr. Mickelson he paid for my plain ticket and he treats me like a part of the family. he is a very generous man he helps out anyone who needs and deserves it. just any of the number of people he has opened his house to.
I called him J.C. for most of this trip and it made me nervous. see i am used to just calling him sir but there were too many sirs there to get his attention when i needed it. and i needed it alot he let me do very important things this time like building part of the display even though i was unsure about myself but he was very good at letting me know i was doing just fine.
This is Omni Flux (yes that is his real name he had it leagaly changed and i didn't care to ask why) he was my partner in building things and was mo patient than myself he is cutting some part of the scenery i put together that was to be later moved to allow a tree in its place. we redid a lot of the stuff we built but for our first time we did alright i guess. oh yah he is another one of those people mr. Mickelson has opened his house too. he has lived with the family twice now.
this is Rachael's mom she is doing something i can't remember what but she did a lot of things that no one will notice, but they would have if they weren't done. just like a mom.
Rachael was her helper a lot of the time which can be boring just check out that bored look on her face. not really rachael is just full of funny faces. it is one of my favorite things about her.
the whole family is a funny face kinda family even her sister celeste, although in this pic the face is one of pain she has dust and wood in her eye. a perfect time for a photo opertunity. hehe
even the dad makes funny faces. sometimes i wounder if she learned it from him or if he learned it from her.
in the picture above they are stairing at what i have dubbed Mickelson Corner.
and Ta-Da here is that corner.
pretty cool huh it is a miniture of the place where the Chicago Bears' stadium and they did the planting around it. the whole family was there building. I was off under the instruction of Paula making other parts of the display "flowerific"
these are 2 places i decorated and that silver thing is a replica of a metal bean sculpture in Chicago not the tin man mooning you. which we did watch wizard of oz well the girls watched it twice i only saw it once.
let me go off on a rant about the wizard of oz that has bothered me as long as i can remember. when the scarecrow get hsi reward he says "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side." this is supposed to be hime getting brains and knowing the Pythagorean theorem but this is wrong it is a right triangle. ugh a stupid thing to be urked about but still annoying to me. ok back to chicago.
I consider this to be my trail. i made it as a thing to pass the time til paula or paula gave me my next task but noone noticed it and it stayed. so if you go to see the exhibit at the chicago botanical gardens and you see wood chips it was because i was bored. nowhere else is chips seen. sorry.
oh my goodness this is my newest favorite picture of Rachael. i said before she is full of faces and i just love this one. it is her "REAAAAAALLLLLLYYYY" face. she does it when i say something she is not sure of it is her way of asking me oh really huh?
oh yah this is just me tryin to fit into the funny face family. hope i didn't to bad.
more building stuff.
this picture is nothing too important but the guy on the left is Brian he had ot leave because his wife is gonna have a baby real real soon. we has a few poeple leave early but we still gone done a day before schedule hooray for us.
these are just some early pics of us (well mostly rachael and celeste) moving in the train tracks.
hey i was helping i was perserving the memories.
Rachaels even littler sister Heather came along this trip but she spen most of her time in the green houses poor girl she was soooo bored as the rest of us worked bor like 8-9 hours a day.
this is her (Heather) she is 10 or 8 or something like that.
more moving tracks and stuff
ahh the classic bryan and rachael trip pictures. rachael's face and me standing in the hotel room. now that's some awesome memories.
at the end i was tired but felt good about the work i did. i had fun and i got to spend time with the girl i love. so chigaco was pretty cool.
hope you enjoyed my story.