so i got to spend a whole week with the one and only RACHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it was a blast i had to work alot the first few days but it wsa ok cause she got to hang out with Becky and do stuff that doesn't interest me like watch
HIGH school musical 2
well mostly that. but it is kewl i am glad she likes it even though i don't that is healthy in a relationship.
we also got our hair cuts by our personal stylist BEcky who made me Pete the owl
kinda shown here.
but i had 4 days off in a row starting on Saturday we went to all the places we usually go like Grun a specality store in st. George and all the places we love to eat like bajio MMMMMMM.
and on moday after a good car washing and pill pickin uppin
we headed to the great city of LAS VEgas
well that isn't las vegas but it is on the way there.
and we also saw a big (really big) turtle on the way there
ok well not really it is just a statue but it would be cool.
while we where there we did alot of walking and eating we ate lots of awesome food from the AMERICA eatery to crepes on our way out of town. mmm good food.
the first night/day we visited the M&M place and Rachael showed me that the M&M place and the coke place go up a lot more than just one story.
and we got to watch a fun video about M&M's after walking down a cool hall way and seeing fun M&M stuff like:
oodles of fun!!
well my DVD is done burning so turn in next time for exciting tails of
Rachael's winnings
and OF course
STOMP the Yard.